Family Fun
Grandma intently takes notes during movie but the reason why is melting everyone’s hearts
She's definitely a devoted granny, that's for certain. ❤️
Elijah Chan

We’ll never truly know the extent of a grandmother’s love.

Grandparents are defined by their stereotypical depiction of showering their grandchildren with affection.

Sometimes, people say that they are professional child spoilers while the younger ones appreciate them for their genuine love.

TikTok Screenshot - @jacksonkinged
TikTok Screenshot - @jacksonkinged

In a viral video, a grandmother proved she can give out this kind of big love but not in a way you’d expect.

And when people realized what she was doing, they were all rooting for her.

Jackson King uploaded the viral video of her grandmother via TikTok.

In the video, Cheryl Skiados can be seen sitting on the couch, blanket on her lap, and a notepad in hand.

She was intently watching whatever was on TV at that time.

TikTok Screenshot - @jacksonkinged
TikTok Screenshot - @jacksonkinged

One would think that she might be jotting down a recipe for a chocolate fudge cake or that perfect Thanksgiving roast.

But according to the video’s caption, she was watching Marvel movies.

So why does she have a notepad while watching Marvel movies?

According to the caption, the notepad helped Skiados navigate through the rich storyline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe or MCU.

Tingnan ang post na ito sa Instagram

Isang post na ibinahagi ni Marvel Studios (@marvelstudios)

The MCU is the dominant pop-culture trend for the past decade.

The cinematic universe is currently 22 movies deep but the first major arc is around 10 or 11 movies in total.

Tingnan ang post na ito sa Instagram

Isang post na ibinahagi ni Marvel Studios (@marvelstudios)

You can just imagine how easy it is for the uninitiated to get lost in the characters, villains, backstories, and storylines.

And this is why Skiados has her handy notepad at the ready.

She said she wants to take down notes so she can talk about it with her grandchildren.

If that’s not the cutest thing a grandparent did, we don’t know what is!

Her 18-year-old grandson filmed her entire cinematic journey.

Tingnan ang post na ito sa Instagram

Isang post na ibinahagi ni Marvel Studios (@marvelstudios)

“I think it really shows how much she cares about her grandchildren because she is willing to sit there for hours on end and watch superhero movies and take notes on them, just so she can have something extra to talk to her grandkids about,” King said, as quoted by the Mirror UK.

Tingnan ang post na ito sa Instagram

Isang post na ibinahagi ni Marvel Studios (@marvelstudios)

King just moved in with Skiados when he took the video.

Skiados is watching the movies in the order they came out, starting from Iron Man.

Skiados even invited King to watch a movie with her and of course, he said yes!

Skiados has 13 grandchildren aged six to 22.

She also plans to continue watching Marvel movies beyond Avengers Infinity War. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever just came out and it’s the recent addition to the contemporary phase starting from Spider-man.

Tingnan ang post na ito sa Instagram

Isang post na ibinahagi ni Black Panther (@blackpanther)

She hopes that by being updated on the latest events of the cinematic universe, she can maintain that connection with her grandchildren.

King’s video quickly and obviously became viral.

“I remember I posted the video on TikTok. Then I set my phone down and watched an episode of a tv show, and then when I picked up my phone I had 3,000+ notifications,” he said as quoted by Mirror UK.

TikTok Screenshot - @jacksonkinged
TikTok Screenshot - @jacksonkinged

King said the video garnered a million views within the day he posted the video.

And we’re not surprised because this is one of the sweetest things we’ve seen in a while.

Hey, local movie theaters, a screening for Skiados and her grandchildren, why don’t you?

Watch why this grandma has a notepad on hand while watching movies.

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